Deep discipling relationships between young people and older Christians

Mentoring enables young people to grow in their faith and get equipped alongside more mature Christians.

Walk With Me - OUR mentoring app

WALK WITH ME is tool for mentors, churches and organisations with a passion to see young people stepping closer to Jesus.

1 or 2 young people meet for an hour every couple of weeks with a committed Christian (Mentor) to catch up discuss the bible and pray.


Are recruited, trained, verified and supported by their local church, centre or organisation and use the WALK WITH ME app to help catch up, ask great questions and focus the time together.


Pairs follow a 6 session "Journey" and can meet in churches, youth centres, coffee shops or online. Between meetings they will read the Bible and action what's being discussed.

Each session contains great questions and biblical content within a simple framework that helps mentors in their time with young people. 

Mentoring in your church

Set up and run a mentoring programme for young people in your church

We’d love to help you get a mentoring programme up and running. 

We offer resources, training and ongoing support for using WALK WITH ME to help you equip mentors, create pairs, help them to start meeting and make the most of their time together.

Find a mentor

Find someone to study with and learn from as you explore your faith

If you think you'd like to get started with a mentor just get in touch and we'll start the process of connecting you with a mentor.

Become a Mentor

Walk with a young person in their journey of discipleship

We want to enable others to support young people, aged 14+, to meet in ones or twos with a committed Christian for an hour every couple of weeks to catch up, discuss the bible, and pray. 

If you've been asked to be a mentor or would like to find out more just get in touch

What are the Journeys?

The app contains a choice of 6-session journeys to suit young people at different stages.

  • Come Alive! – Discovering who I am
  • Look Closer – Exploring who Jesus is
  • New Beginnings – I’ve become a Christian
  • All In – Following Jesus Wholeheartedly
  • Step Out – Joining God’s Mission
  • Pass it On – Becoming a Disciple Maker

How do I find a Mentor?

Ideally a mentor should be a few years older at least but can be any age from 18 and up. They should be the same gender and committed to their Christian faith.  

If you would like to be mentored and can't think of anyone Exodus can help you find someone.


How do you support and check mentors?

All mentors are trained and receive regular contact from an Exodus staff member or volunteer. They must be 18+ and go through a reference and police check from Exodus.


How much will it cost?

WALK WITH ME is free of charge for young people!

It was developed through the generosity of youth organisations, denominations and other supporters.

Churches running WALK WITH me can make a donation if they receive training.


Visit the website and download the Mentor's App