Did you know... 532 young people and leaders joined an Exodus Team this year? Well if you didn't... we hope you are as excited about this as we are!
At Exodus, we believe that that disciples are made up close. Jesus modelled this by gathering a few people close to Him, investing in them and releasing them to serve around the world. We see this when he journeyed with Peter, when he ministered to Mary & Martha and when he commissioned the 72 to 'Go!'
We are celebrating because every Exodus Team member has a committed disciple maker who will stand by them for the journey and invite them into the full and free life promised by Christ. Our Teams meet every week from mid-Februrary until the summer and meetings are packed full of fun, friendship and discovery in the Bible. Through the games, laughs, Bible studies and snacks, each young person has the chance to grow in their faith in and make memories that will last a lifetime.
As we look ahead to a summer of serving across 11 different countries, why not pause and pray for some of the young people involved:
- For team meetings full of fun, friendship and discovery
- For courage, boldness and 'first steps' of faith
- For leaders, preparing each week to invest in young people.
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P.s. Our Ex-press course got a new look this year! Check out the latest videos here.