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STEP OUT 2022 - Meet Our Team Leaders - Jennifer Coll

13 July, 2022

Your name: Jennifer Coll and Joshua Stewart

Your team Number: Team 49

Where you are travelling to: Camas, Seville in Spain

Why are you leading an Exodus team this summer? Teams are an amazing way to serve God and get a glimpse into the way He is building His church around the world. It is amazing to partner with other Christians, share the Gospel and see God work in amazing ways as we come together. As a leader, it is a joy to help young disciple makers know God better and go and make Him known! I am especially excited to see our team members come home this year and continue to serve God in their local church, using what they have learnt!  

How will you be serving the local church/community whilst on team? We will be serving with the Evangelical Church of Camas in Seville, running a youth drop-in programme in the church for local teens and young adults, serving in the church plaza campaign and engaging in street evangelism.

What are you looking forward to the most? We cannot wait to see how God is going to bless that church through this special week of ministry and we are so looking forward what what God is going to teach us as a team through His Word and through serving Him.

What is your biggest hope/dream for your team members? Our biggest hope for Team 49 is that each one of our young people will fall deeper in love with God, and His church, and have a greater desire to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus. I pray that each one of them will put Jesus at the centre of their lives from this moment forward.

How can we pray for you and your team?

•Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him and His growing church in Seville
•Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel to kids, youth and the community – pray for salvation
•Pray for boldness and courage to share about Jesus; to ‘STEP OUT’ in faith
•Pray for Pastor Gomes, and the Evangelical Church of Camas, that God will continue to bless and grow the church